
I am Alexandre Ribenboim, a former Amazon Seller of a snack called Smolbol.

As a store founder and long-time entrepreneur, I believe you cannot manage what you can’t measure. I wanted to closely track sales, advertising, financial, and inventory operations metrics.

However, the dashboards provided by Amazon Seller Central lack some essential information. For example, there is nowhere to add the product’s costs (Cost of Goods Sold or COGS) and calculate the bottom line (profit or loss).

Additionally, I had to monitor sales velocity and product inventory by the due date, as Smolbol is a perishable food, to set promotions and sell the stock before the expiration date. Amazon’s Sellers Reports were not enough.

So, I did what businesses always do. I created my report and forecast tools on a Google Sheets spreadsheet and downloaded data from Amazon Seller Central through CSV files.

It was hard work that demanded much of my time and attention, especially when I had to guarantee that the most recent downloads updated the former data without repeating information or creating gaps.

As I ventured further into the business and met other Amazon Sellers, I understood that each had issues tracking their store analytics with Amazon Seller Central. Many mentioned particular needs that Amazon tools did not meet. They were also using spreadsheets to remedy that. That’s how Defog was born.

If you always end up in a spreadsheet, why don’t you start in one instead?

Defog is a tool that makes it easier for sellers to automatically download data from Amazon Seller Central to a spreadsheet, where they decide how to visualize their business and sales information.

Defog’s mission is to provide sellers with total control over their data. With Defog, you can operate your Amazon e-commerce stores more quickly, cost-effectively, and efficiently.

Do you need to clear the fog and understand your sales? 

Sign up for a free trial.

I’m happy to have you with us.

Best, Alexandre.